Our Press and Public Relations Office provides up-to-date information about what is going on at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) – in science and research, learning and teaching, continuing academic education and cultural life.
We support journalists in researching current topics and subjects and bring them into contact with JGU experts. And we assist our own staff in external communications, marketing, and event management.
We also provide information via international press services that we use to distribute mainly English-language press releases from Mainz University. We can also use these media to announce international conferences or book projects to an even wider audience.
We are the point of contact for all issues concerning university fundraising. We develop and coordinate partnerships with foundations, businesses, and private individuals. We will be happy to provide you with information and assist you in any interest you may have in your future involvement with Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
We support existent JGU alumni activities at institute and department level, including the volontary work in the university's alumni associations. The "Gutenberg Alumni" network will provide an additional service-oriented platform for student and research alumni across all academic disciplines.